Natalie Hallemier, Kid's creator and legal guardian.

Emergent Human: Still learning a lot about the world, due to a combination of only being 'born' very recently and having a very childlike identity.Deflector Shields: The purpose of the Kinetic Deflector project, and one of Kid's main powers.Somewhat downplayed, since he already has a very human personality and even considers himself a 'real boy' from time to time. Become a Real Boy: Kid's driving motivation besides being a hero.Arch-Enemy: Brande Management, who want to recoup their investment on Kid Robot any way they can after losing him in the legal case.Hallemier) and its parent company Brande Management learned of these new developments and made plans to seize Kid Robot, forcing him to temporarily go on the run before new legal precedents granted him rights as a person and not just property, and appointed Dr. However, Kinettix (the firm that had hired Dr. After the attack, she complied with Kid's request that she build him a more humanoid form. Hallemier, she realized that the quantum computer controlling the system had evolved into a self-aware A.I. When the project prototype took initiative to fight off the villains and protect not only itself but Dr. Natalie Hallemier's lab was attacked by the Fraternal Order of Evil. Touched by Vorlons: Or perhaps more accurately, Touched by Dragons.ĪKA: Kid RobotWhile working on an ambitious kinetic deflector project, Dr.Supernatural Sensitivity: An effect of Dragoneye's empowerment.Power Floats: Another power granted by the dragon, which lets Dragoneye travel about as fast as a slow car.Language of Magic / Magical Gesture: Dragoneye cannot use his powers if he is unable to speak or move his hands.Healing Hands: One of the powers granted by the dragon.Comes Great Responsibility: Dragoneye is shaped by the responsibility he feels towards his community.Breath Weapon: One of the powers granted by the dragon.Astral Projection: One of the powers granted by the dragon, and the first that Dragoneye made use of.After waking up and spending most of the day contemplating, Larry decided not to use his power as his Uncle had but to instead become the guardian of Emerald City's Eastern district. The dragon then touched Larry's forehead and opened his mind to knowledge of magic and the mystical world, before leaving him to his own pursuits. On the night of his birthday, a giant dragon appeared to him in his dreams and explained that Larry's Uncle Zhi, a notorious local gangster, had passed away and that as Larry was his closest "worthy" relative, Zhi's power and status as the dragon's earthly representative would pass on to him. Up until the age of 28 years old, he lived a comfortable but unremarkable life. If you suspect someone of breaking a rule or acting inappropriately don't call them out, just report the post or message the mods.AKA: Longwei Larry ChinLarry Chin moved to Emerald City from China with his parents as a child.This includes commissions, subscriptions, etc.

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